My website code stuff

Project maintained by Locust0 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Output sample

Project Description

I created a game for the professor of my Computer Graphics class to get credit for the course. It is a 2D game which procedurally generates an obstacle course within an arena that some simple AI try to get through. You bet on how many will make it judging by the course created and are rewarded money based on how accurate your guess is.

Code Examples

Spawns all the drones on the left using randomized separations and offsets

private IEnumerator SpawnDrones ()
   while (dronesSpawned < totalDroneCount)
      //Find total distance through which we can spawn drones
      float totalDist = maxX - minX;

      //Find the maximum separation we can manage with the current
      //number of drones
      float maxSep = totalDist / (groupSize - 1);

      //Pick a separation value between min and max
      float sep = Random.Range (minSep, maxSep);

      //How much distance will we cover with this separation?
      float distCovered = (groupSize - 1) * sep;

      //find the maximum dif from which we can start spawning drones
      //(and have them all fit)
      float distDif = totalDist - distCovered;

      //Pick a dif value to start spawning drones
      float dif = Random.Range (0f, distDif);

      //Spawn them drones!
      Vector2 pos = new Vector2(minX + dif, y);
      for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++)
         //Spawn drone at the position and then add the separation
         //to that position
         Instantiate(drone, pos, transform.rotation);
         pos.x += sep;

         //Add these spawned drones to the total
         if (dronesSpawned >= totalDroneCount)

      //Wait before spawning the next bunch
      yield return new WaitForSeconds(groupSpawnDelay);

Creates a template object which controls the locations, types and orientations of all obstacles on a board

public List<Obstacle> PickRandomBoard ()
   List<Obstacle> board = new List<Obstacle>();

   //find number of x and y spaces
   int ex = Mathf.RoundToInt((xRange.y - xRange.x) / spacing) + 1;
   int wi = Mathf.RoundToInt((yRange.y - yRange.x) / spacing) + 1;
   //Create a bool array to keep track of taken spaces
   bool[,] taken = new bool[ex,wi];
   int obstaclesSpawned = 0;
   while(obstaclesSpawned < numObstacles)
      //Pick a random slot to spawn an obstacle
      int tempX = Random.Range (0, ex);
      int tempY = Random.Range (0, wi);
      //Check if it’s taken
      if (taken[tempX, tempY])

      //Find the real-world coordinates
      float x = (tempX - (xRange.y / spacing)) * spacing;
      float y = (tempY - (yRange.y / spacing)) * spacing;
      //Note that this is taken
      taken[tempX, tempY] = true;
      //Pick an obstacle to spawn
      int pick = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range (-0.5f, 2.49f));

      //Pick a random rotation
      Quaternion rot = transform.rotation;
      Vector3 eulTemp = rot.eulerAngles;
      eulTemp.z = Random.Range (0, 359);
      rot.eulerAngles = eulTemp;

      //Pick a random direction (for magnets exclusively)
      bool dir = (Random.value > 0.5f);

      board.Add(new Obstacle(pick, new Vector2(x, y), rot, dir));

      //Count the obstacles we've created so far

   return board;